Sharp & Handles

*Scroll to bottom for Sunday dates and leave your desired Location in the "Note" section when you sign-up. Players must bring their own basketball and water bottle.

This seven week clinic is specifically designed for players looking to stay Sharp during the season and will include segments dedicated to shooting, passing and getting open. Sessions will revolve around a variety of moves, balance, positioning, shooting and footwork. Each session will focus on necessary drills for players to improve their game, and gain an edge over their opponents, as well as teammates. This program is open to players of all positions as skills will be incorporated from many angles and starting points. Sharp is available to Boys and Girls in grades 2-12.

One of our most popular programs, Handles will continue the tradition and present an intense ball-handling clinic that will challenge players with all new dribbling drills to take their Handles to the next level. This session will have an extra emphasis on handling the ball under pressure and against contact. Typical of all The Scoring Factory programs, players will face advanced challenges and drills with the detail and precision expected on the level of professional athletes. Handles promotes positive thinking to all players looking to develop dexterity and coordination in both hands and is available to Boys and Girls in grades 2-12.

Functional Strength

Our Functional Strength, Coordination and Power building programs are taught by longtime The Scoring Factory coach Rob Southall and take place at Pittsburgh Pro Fitness.

Areas of emphasis include:

  • Strength
  • Coordination
  • Power
  • Footwork
  • Conditioning
  • Flexibility
  • Catching
  • Speed
  • Mobility

These skills clinics are open to players of all positions. Coach Rob will teach the finer details of each movement and how to correctly generate power by bending properly.

Each program is designed to get players generally prepared to excel in all sports. We will work on the basic movement patterns of the human body: Push, Lunge, Squat, Pull, Hinge and Rotate. Improving theses movements will help with the prevention of injury and ensure that the body is ready to perform at a high level.

Limited spaces available


Varies by Program


Pittsburgh Pro Fitness
82 Center Ave.
Emsworth, PA 15202

Click here to see the map


Varies by Program

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Discounted for all Gold Members

Contact Us for Financial Aid

What Our Customers Think

Coach Rob is amazing and is one of those guys that just knows how to find the right words to get my daughter to push herself. We love The Scoring Factory and highly recommend his training!

Tommy P., Pittsburgh, PA

My son has put on so much muscle since we started with Coach Southall and the changes have done wonders for his confidence. I’m happy to see him get stronger, but even happier to see him believe in himself now.

Sandy J., Pittsburgh, PA

First of all, The Scoring Factory is fantastic. I don’t know how all these coaches learned all this stuff, but it’s helping my son really improve and coach Rob has been great with the physical side. Thank you everybody!

Trina Z., Pittsburgh, PA

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