Sharp & Handles

*Type your desired Location in the Note section.

This seven week clinic is specifically designed for players looking to stay Sharp during the season and will include segments dedicated to shooting, passing and getting open.

One of our most popular programs, Handles will continue the tradition and present an intense ball-handling clinic that will challenge players with all new dribbling drills to take their Handles to the next level.

Players must bring their own basketball and water bottle.


Error type: "Not Found". Error message: "The playlist identified with the request's playlistId parameter cannot be found." Domain: "youtube.playlistItem". Reason: "playlistNotFound". Location type: "parameter". Location: "playlistId".

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Check in YouTube if the id PLBlsiJpsLYBYCxQ3R4K9Ih3UgqRDfjAH1 belongs to a playlist. Check the FAQ of the plugin or send error messages to support.
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